Friday, November 11, 2011

The Best Airbender

so today, I painted a tattoo similar to Aang's from Avatar: The Last Airbender on an awesome kid named Brandon. he's doing a skit at a tai-kwon-do tournement tomorrow. we have done this before, back in February for his belt test, and the Master of his do-jangh asked him to repeat the performance at the official tournament.

here's a picture from the February performance :)

will update tomorrow with pictures from the tattoo I painted today. personally, I think February's turned out better. had more time to work on it, better light, and I wasn't so tired. but I dunno, he liked it, so I'm happy. :)

Blacklight Alcohol-based Airbrush Tattoo Ink
Black Alcohol-based Airbrush Tattoo Ink
Small round paint brush
Rubbing Alcohol to erase mistakes
Reference screenshots from the movie and concept art
Cotton makeup pads
Brandon's Skin (to paint on.)
a piece of square paper I cut out to help me with the angles

What I learned:
Blacklight airbrush tattoo ink is thinner then the standard black airbrush tattoo ink, and will run if given the chance.
bring LOTS of Q-Tips
Airbrush ink evaporates VERY quickly, don't pour too much into your cup at once.
A shaved head still has alot of hair that can and will catch your brush.
The backstory of The Avatar.
bring 2 containers of rubbing alcohol; 1 to clean your brush, and 1 to erase with.
Keep your brush clean!
short shaved hair + cotton makeup pad = shredded cotton.
going to sleep at 9pm results in me waking up at 2am and not being able to sleep, but even sleep deprived I can still work on artsy things. ^_^

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