Friday, January 6, 2012

Crayon Melt Painting + Tutorial Video


seriously, this is one of the most fun techniques I've ever tried. sure, it's not 'fine' art, but it's still awesome.

Materials Used:
Crayola Crayons
Hair Dryer
Exacto Knife
Blue Painter's Tape
Plastic Bags
Glue Gun

What I Learned:
-how to manipulate melted wax
-Friendship really IS Magic.

A couple of exercises

here's a few exercises I've tried recently for fun and practice. didn't follow any guide, I was just bored and so made up games for myself.

Character building from a simple starter shape, seen top-center. all 3 characters were made with that starter shape. very fun and challenging.  how many different characters can you make?

without having a reference, I tried to draw as many different types of cups as I could think of. also attempted to keep them all in perspective, which is definatly something I need to work on. very fun exercise, I plan on doing more with different subjects in the future.

I had my sister pose briefly (20 seconds) and then drew an amorphous character pose study with roughly the proportions of my character Arty, which I then turned into a value study. not entirely happy with the anatomy or values of the facial planes, but I do plan on pursuing variations on this pose for an Arty painting.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


some watercolor sketches I've done over the past month.

a random Giraffe scribbled while waiting for a show that I was working to start.

when my friend, Austin, saw the giraffe, he really wanted me to color it in many different colors, but since I had already done most of the coloring, I promised I'd draw him a special multi-colored giraffe just for him. :)

a random bottle that was on a random table in a random establishment I randomly happened to be at.

cloud shape exercise, just for fun. ignore the boring green blob at the bottom.

Pretty tree! total accident.
I was practicing mixing different browns with my watercolor set, and since I had the colors mixed I decided
to sketch something with them. this is what came of that.
the leaves were so much fun. what I did was drop tiny droplettes of paint, then tap on them with my finger. it gave a beautifully random, soft effect.

another tree. before I discovered the trick to soft-looking leaves. I think trees are my favorite thing to sketch with watercolors.

the original of this is tiny. tiny tiny. less then 1in x 1in. but I liked it, and wanted to preserve it, so here it is. :)

Materials used:
Cheap sketchbook
Niji Waterbrush
Small round brush
Watercolor pencils
Watercolor travel kit (small square dry watercolors)

What I Learned:

-more control with my paints and brushes.
-how to give the impression of leaves without taking away from the tree.
-more about cloud shapes
-how to mix organic browns with primary colors.
-a lot about mixing colors.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Art Block

for the past week I've felt like I'm backsliding into Art Block again.

what is your favorite way to work out an art block?

I think I may try playing with some crayons later, maybe the colors and carefree nature of the crayon can loosen me up.