a random Giraffe scribbled while waiting for a show that I was working to start.
when my friend, Austin, saw the giraffe, he really wanted me to color it in many different colors, but since I had already done most of the coloring, I promised I'd draw him a special multi-colored giraffe just for him. :)
a random bottle that was on a random table in a random establishment I randomly happened to be at.
cloud shape exercise, just for fun. ignore the boring green blob at the bottom.
Pretty tree! total accident.
I was practicing mixing different browns with my watercolor set, and since I had the colors mixed I decided
to sketch something with them. this is what came of that.
the leaves were so much fun. what I did was drop tiny droplettes of paint, then tap on them with my finger. it gave a beautifully random, soft effect.
another tree. before I discovered the trick to soft-looking leaves. I think trees are my favorite thing to sketch with watercolors.
the original of this is tiny. tiny tiny. less then 1in x 1in. but I liked it, and wanted to preserve it, so here it is. :)
Materials used:
Cheap sketchbook
Niji Waterbrush
Small round brush
Watercolor pencils
Watercolor travel kit (small square dry watercolors)
What I Learned:
-more control with my paints and brushes.
-how to give the impression of leaves without taking away from the tree.
-more about cloud shapes
-how to mix organic browns with primary colors.
-a lot about mixing colors.
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